Dedicated Industrial Oilseed Crops as Metabolic Engineering
Unlike oilseeds such as soybean and rapeseed, none of these crops is currently grown on a commodity-scale for edible oil
Oilseed Crops for Biodiesel Production - Edible Oil Expeller
Biodiesel can be produced from a wide variety of oilseed crops and animal fats. In Europe, rapeseed oil is the major biodiesel feedstock. In the United States, soybeans are the dominant biodiesel feedstock. Soybeans Soybeans produce approximately 1.5 gallons of oil per bushel.
Technologies for oil extraction from oilseeds
Moreover, soybean, rapeseed, palm oil and sunflower have been identified as potential vegetable oils for biodiesel production (Qiu et al., 2011). Owing to their
Oilseed Crops for Biodiesel Production ?Farm Energy
Oilseed Crops for Biodiesel Production Soybeans Rapeseed and Canola Mustard Camelina Castor Bean Safflower and Sunflower Warm Climate Feedstocks Jatropha Potential Oilseed Crops In addition to oil seed crops, biodiesel can be produced from Used and waste oil Animal Fats Algae Feedstock Yields and Prices for Biodiesel
Camelina sativa, a short gestation oilseed crop
It is an under-exploited oilseed, low input crop and was the favourite one used in oil lamps and edible purpose from the Roman empire to the discovery of gas
Technologies for oil extraction from oilseeds and oleaginous
Moreover, soybean, rapeseed, palm oil and sunflower have been identified as potential vegetable oils for biodiesel production (Qiu et al., 2011). Owing to their uses in nutrition and fuel production, oilseed crops cultivation areas have been significantly increased; as a result, increased production was observed due to higher yields per unit
A review on non-edible oil as a potential feedstock
Biodiesel is derived from plant oils, and animal fats have similar characteristics to petroleum-derived diesel oil. 21 The edible oil utilized
Camelina sativa, a short gestation oilseed crop with biofuel
The USDA has estimated that 0.5 billion gallons of biofuel out of this 36 billion gallons will come from oilseed crops. An oilseed crop mentioned in the USDA report that has potential for bio-diesel production is camelina ( USDA, 2010 ). Camelina R&D is in progress in various countries ( Table 1 ). Table 1.
Oilseed Crops for Biodiesel Production Farm Energy
Lesquerella and pennycress, both relatives of mustard, show promise as oilseed crops. Hazelnuts could prove to be a cost-effective, productive new biodiesel feedstock, if current disease
A review on non-edible oil as a potential feedstock
the excessive utilization of these edible crops for large-scale biodiesel production might cause food supply depletion and economic imbalance. Moreover, the utilization of edible oil as a biodiesel feedstock increases biodiesel production costs due to the high price of edible oils. A possible solution to overcome