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crude oil refinery plant manufacturers diesel making

For oil refiners, now is the summer of distillate content

That has boosted profits for U.S.-based refiners for distillates. Currently, the profit margin on distillates is nearly $60 a barrel, while the margin to make gasoline is $34. Over the past 10

Where our diesel comes from - U.S. Energy Information

ULSD is used as diesel fuel and as heating oil. Biomass-based diesel fuels also contribute to the supply of diesel fuel. In 2021, U.S. refineries produced about 1.63 billion barrels (68.35 billion gallons) of ULSD, and total U.S. ULSD consumption for all uses was about 1.42 billion barrels (59.82 billion gallons).

Crude oil to chemicals: How refineries can adapt McKinsey

The individual process unit that receives the most attention is the fluid catalytic cracker (FCC), the longtime workhorse of refining. The FCC is a cracking unit that converts vacuum gasoil—a high-density, low-value component of crude oil—into more valuable products, such as gasoline. FCC production typically accounts for about 40 percent of the to...

Diesel fuel explained - U.S. Energy Information

Diesel fuel is made from crude oil and biomass. Most of the diesel fuel produced and consumed in the United States is refined from crude oil at petroleum refineries. U.S. petroleum refineries produce an average of 11 to 12 gallons of diesel fuel from each 42-gallon (U.S.) barrel of crude oil. The United States also produces and consumes biomass

Refining Downstream Our Businesses MOLGroup

Refining. The vast majority of crude that is refined in one of MOL Group refineries leaves it as motor fuel: diesel and gasoline. MOL Group produces a much broader range of

Modular Refinery - UOP LLC

When you need a quick solution for gasoline and diesel production, turn to UOP Modular Refinery. Our process experience, combined with a pre-engineered approach, allows you to package select units into a refinery capable of processing 30,000 BPSD of crude.

Where our diesel comes from U.S. Energy Information

U.S. oil/petroleum refineries produce most of the diesel fuel the United States consumes. Most of the diesel fuel consumed in the United States is distillate fuel

Modular Refineries | Amerisource Energy

MODULAR REFINERIES. A modular refinery is a prefabricated crude oil processing plant designed for the distillation of crude oil into naphtha, kerosene, diesel, residual fuel oil and off gas using crude distillation unit (CDU). These initial petroleum products could be further processed using secondary process equipment (hydrotreating units

Modular Refineries Amerisource Energy

If you are interested in our help for your modular crude oil refineries, contact our headquarters today by calling +1 (801) 983-5244, or send us a message

Crude oil to chemicals: How refineries can adapt | McKinsey

The major oil-derived petrochemical feedstocks are ethane, liquid petroleum gas (LPG), and naphtha. These are primarily used in the production of polymers for plastics, synthetic fibers, and other petrochemical intermediates. Demand for these products will continue to grow with rising global wealth.