Oil and protein recovery from corn germ: Extraction yield
Supercritical fluid extraction of corn germ oil: study of the influence of process parameters on the extraction yield and oil quality J. Supercrit. Fluids (2012)
Corn germ oil extraction with compressed propane compared
The extraction of corn germ oil was evaluated using pressurized propane as solvent in semi-batch process as an alternative approach to organic solvent extraction. The effect of temperature (20, 40, 60 C), pressure (20, 60, 100 bar), particle size and confinement time were studied.
Comprehensive utilization of corn starch processing
About 30% of the by-products such as corn gluten, corn barn, corn germ is produced during the deep processing of corn, which can be used as high-quality feed
Efficient and eco-friendly extraction of corn germ oil using
An improved aqueous extraction method has been established for extraction of oil from corn germs. This method primarily included steam explosion pretreatment and aqueous ethanol extraction. Process variables such as steam pressure, resident time, particle size and ethanol concentration were investigated. The highest yield of 93.74 % was obtained when ground steam-exploded corn germ (1.3 MPa
Kinetic, thermodynamic and optimization study of the corn
Before oil extraction, the corn germ was ground by a domestic grinder (Braun, Germany) for 2 min. The CGO content of the corn germ determined by the
Efficient and eco-friendly extraction of corn germ oil using
Quality analysis of extracted corn germ oil Simple refining process contained alkali and water washing followed by bleaching. Alkali washing was conducted using 10 % ( w /w) alkali solution for 30 min under 60 C. The amount of alkali used was calculated from the following formulas: Alkali amount = 7.13 * AV * G 10000 a
Biodiesel production from corn oil: A review ScienceDirect
Moreover, recently, corn oil has been used in biodiesel manufacture, especially in combination with ethanol production. Corn oil has an acid value of less than
Oil and protein recovery from corn germ: Extraction yield
This work aimed the recovery of oil and protein fractions from corn germ (CG) generated as a by-product during flour processing. Several oil extraction techniques were investigated: hexane at room temperature, hexane at 45 C, supercritical carbon dioxide (Sc-CO 2) and Soxhlet with hexane and ethanol. Their influence on oil yield and oil
Corn Oil: Composition, Processing, and Utilization
Corn oil is an excellent source of essential fatty acids, which typically exceed 60% of its total composition, with the main contribution of linoleic acid (C18:2)
Kinetic, thermodynamic and optimization study of the corn
Before oil extraction, the corn germ was ground by a domestic grinder (Braun, Germany) for 2 min. The CGO content of the corn germ determined by the Soxhlet extraction using n-hexane (HPLC grade; Lab揝can, Ireland) at the SGR of 3:1 mL/g for 3 h was 45.35 卤 0.32 g/100 g dried germ. 2.2. Extraction of corn germ oil2.2.1. Maceration of corn germ
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