Small-scale oil extraction from groundnuts and copra (TM 5)
UNIDO pub-ILO pub-WEP pub. Technical memorandum on small scale industry agriproduct processing (vegetable oil extraction from groundnuts and copra)
Small-scale oil extraction from groundnuts and copra (TM 5)
Technical memorandum on small scale industry agriproduct processing (vegetable oil extraction from groundnuts and copra) suitable for developing countries - includes economic implications and comparison of small and large scale units as regards employment creation, basic needs satisfaction, power consumption, transport cost, multiplier effect.
Small-scale oil extraction from goundnuts and copra
This technical memorandum on oil extraction from groundnuts and copra covers the pre-processing of raw materials, oil extraction through pressing and the post-treatment
Small-scale oil extraction from goundnuts and copra
Small-scale oil extraction from goundnuts and copra | This technical memorandum on oil extraction from groundnuts and copra covers the pre-processing of raw materials, oil extraction through pressing and the post-treatment stages. Skip Navigation Sign in Contact Us Search Resources Resources Plants Books Conversations
Small-scale oil extraction from groundnuts and copra (TM 5)
UNIDO pub-ILO pub-WEP pub. Technical memorandum on small scale industry agriproduct processing (vegetable oil extraction from groundnuts and copra)
Small-scale oil extraction from groundnuts and copra (TM 5)
UNIDO pub-ILO pub-WEP pub. Technical memorandum on small scale industry agriproduct processing (vegetable oil extraction from groundnuts and copra) suitable for developing countries - includes economic implications and comparison of small and large scale units as regards employment creation, basic needs satisfaction, power consumption, transport cost, multiplier effect.
Small-scale oil extraction from groundnuts and copra
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Small-Scale Oil Extraction from Groundnuts and Copra (ILO - WEP, 1983
Small-Scale Oil Extraction from Groundnuts and Copra (ILO - WEP, 1983, 128 p.) (introduction...) Acknowledgements Preface CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION (introduction...) I.1 Scope of the memorandum I.2. Oilseeds considered in the memorandum I.3. Technologies covered by the memorandum and target audience I.4. Summary of remaining chapters CHAPTER II.
MICROFICHE REFERENCE LIBRARY A project of Volunteers in Asia Small Scale Oil Extraction from Groundnuts and Copra Published by: International Labour Office (ILO)
Small Scale Oil Extraction from Groundnuts and Copra
It involves the removing of the husk by impaling the coconut on a sharp iron or wooden spike fixed in the ground. The spike is usually set at a slight angle at about 80 cm from the ground. Using both hands, the operator brings the coconut down sharply on the edge of the spike which pierces the husk and glances off the round end of the nut.