A Two-step Strategy for High-Value-Added Utilization
Rapeseed meal (RSM) is a major by-product of oil extraction from rapeseed, consists mainly of proteins and phenolic compounds. The use of RSM as protein feedstock for microbial fermentation is always hampered by phenolic compounds, which
An improved extraction method of rapeseed oil sample preparation
Rapeseed oil was isolated from seeds by hexane extraction with the subsequent extract evaporation using rotor evaporator at 40 小. 2.2. HPLC analysis LC analysis was performed with the 芦HP 1100禄 (Hewlett Packard, Germany) HPLC instrument comprising degas-unit, pump, manual injector (Rheodyne) with 20 渭l loop, column oven and diode array detector.
Influence of extraction technology on rapeseed oil functional
Influence of extraction technology on rapeseed oil functional quality: a study on rapeseed polyphenols† Mengxue He a, Binbin Nian a, Jiachen Shi a, Xian Sun
Cold-pressed rapeseed (Brassica napus) oil: Chemistry and functionality
The oil obtained from the rapeseed varieties with low erucic acid (
Cold pressed rapeseed (Brassica napus) oil ScienceDirect
Rapeseed oil is recognized as a healthy oil due to its attractive fatty acid profile, which is high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fatty
Influence of extraction technology on rapeseed oil functional quality
CP and HP rapeseed oil were obtained by pressing the raw material through a screw press; the specific parameters were as follows: CP at room temperature, HP at 120 C for 20 min and then pressing, then the crude oil was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 10 min. Extraction by the leaching process (LP) was conducted as factory described: after crushing
An improved extraction method of rapeseed oil sample
So, a one-step extraction with 0.1 mol L −1 perchloric acid solution in acetonitrile is enough for quantitative (>95%) extraction of considered azoles (with log D
Cultivars and oil extraction techniques affect Cd/Pb contents
Substitute planting with B. rapa and extracting oil with organic solvent (preferably subcritical low-temperature butane) are optimal for safely utilizing Cd/Pb-contaminated soil. Attention should be paid to the health risks posed by Cd in oil to rural populations. Download to read the full article text References
Value of hydroalcoholic treatment of rapeseed for oil
Rapeseed meal comes from the oilseed crushing industry, where it is the main co-product, accounting for around 55% of rapeseed mass. After oil extraction, the
Effect of Different Extraction Methods on Quality ... - Hindawi
The yields of rapeseed and flaxseed oils of Soxhlet extraction method were increased by 30.10%?3.90% and 6.30%?4.40%, respectively, compared with other treatment groups. In addition, roasted pretreatment significantly increased the yields of oils by 4.10%?5.00% and 6.70%?3.15%, respectively, compared with the untreated group.