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effect of temperature on oil extraction of groundnut curcas

Nov 27, 2016 Oil Press Machine

Temperature influence on chemical properties

This study focused on investigating the generated temperature during mechanical extraction with a mechanical screw press type (Komet D85-1G) on J.curcas oil quality.

Mechanical extraction of oil from Jatropha curcas L. kernel

Temperature is found to affect the oil recovery of Jatropha oil which is in agreement with earlier studies on the effect of temperature on oil recovery from oilseeds (Mpagalile and Clarke, 2005, Willems et al., 2008, Ebewele et al., 2010). As temperature increases, oil recovery increases but tends to level off at higher temperature.

Mechanical extraction of oil from Jatropha curcas L. kernel

Temperature is found to affect the oil recovery of Jatropha oil which is in agreement with earlier studies on the effect of temperature on oil recovery from

Optimization Methods for the Extraction of Vegetable Oils:

Sharma et al. [ 46] reported a significant effect of temperature on extraction yields of peanut oils at 40 C which however dropped significantly when temperatures were reduced to 37 C. The drop was associated with a possibility of enzyme thermo-inactivation.

Influence of temperature in the extraction of nut oils by means

The influence of four different temperatures was evaluated: 50 °C, 100 °C, 150 °C or 200 °C. Oil extraction is difficult to perform below 50 °C, and 200 °C was the

GROUNDNUT OIL - Food and Agriculture Organization

The oil and oilcake should be stored in a separate place to the raw material. 2.3.-Dehulling/Shelling . When groundnuts are stored for a long time, they are purchased in their shells. The shells need removing prior to oil extraction. Various dehulling machines are available or the seeds can be shelled by hand.

Processing factors affecting yield and quality of mechanically

A face centered composite design of experiments was employed to study and optimize the effect of applied pressure, pressing temperature and moisture content

Parametric optimization of solvent extraction of Jatropha

Meanwhile, the oil extraction yield increased with increasing extraction temperature. The presumed reason for this observation was that high extraction temperature enhanced the solubility of the oil and its mass transfer was more rapid, thus resulting in high extraction yield.

Effect of thermal treatment on the extraction efficiency

The best extraction of oil (95%) was obtained after 10 h from roasted or boiled seeds. In the oil from roasted samples, the acid index increased significantly ( p ≤ 0.05) with respect to

(PDF) Determination of Some Physical Properties of Jatropha

on the effect of temperature cha nge, (30 o C to 100 o C) on value of density and viscosity. The physical properties of Jatropha oil are viscosity (162.8) cst,