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sewing machine oil light – material safety data sheet France

Dec 27, 2022 Oil Press Machine

Sewing Machine Oil MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

Commercial Oil Company’s knowledge; however, the Commercial Oil Company makes no warranty whatsoever, expressed or implied, and expressly disclaims all liability for


SAFETY DATA SHEET Sewing Machine Oil Light SECTION 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: Sewing Machine Oil Light WHMIS: Not a Controlled Product SUPPLIER: Commercial Oil Company P (905) 560-3244 F (905) 560-2961 35 Burford Road Hamilton, Ontario L8E 3C6 Product and SDS Information: 1-800-463-1976 SECTION 2.


Poisons Information Centre: 13 11 26 from anywhere in Australia, (0800 764 766 in New Zealand) SAFETY DATA SHEET TRIUMPH SEWING MACHINE OIL 1. COMPANY

Sewing Machine Oil Light MSDS

The new SDS required by OSHA are being added daily, to check for a newer version of a safety data sheet, find a SDS from a different manufacture, or search for an additional SDS, use our free msds online database. Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) PDF File: Download PDF file Manufacturer Name: Commercial Oil Company Author: revelation92 Post date:

Section 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the

SAFETY DATA SHEET SEWING MACHINE OIL 32 Page: 1 Compilation date: 18/08/2008 Revision date: 31/05/2017 Revision No: 1b Section 1: Identification of the


TRIUMPH SEWING MACHINE OIL 1 COMPANY DETAILS AND PRODUCT INFORMATION PRODUCT NAME: LUBRICANT OIL 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Classification of the substance or mixture Hazard Classification NON HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCENON DANGEROUS GOODSNot a Dangerous Good according to the Australian Dangerous Goods (ADG) Code. Classification according to GHS

Sewing Machine Oil Light MSDS MsdsDigital

We've included the most sought after safety data sheets, and the database just keeps growing. As a registered user in our community, you can add any of the records we've

Safety Data Sheets - MSD

Safety data sheets (SDS) For US and Canada SDS files, click this link. View safety data sheet options (SDS) A.

Material Safety Data Sheet T.S. Moly

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET TS-619 Sewing Machine Oil Page 2 of 3 SECTION IX: Physical and Chemical Properties Boiling Point: >600 F Specific Gravity: 0.82 Vapor

Safety Data Sheet - JUKI

Sewing machine oil. Restrictions on use: Do NOT use it in an application which may contaminate food or do harm to human health. 1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet: Company: Sanwa Kasei Kogyo Co. Ltd. Address: Toshin24biluding 2-20-5, Minamisaiwai, Nishi-ku,Yokohama 220-0005, Japan. TEL: +81-45-412-3161 FAX: +81-45-412-3160