CHAPTER 11 Center for International Forestry Research
Studies on pongamia in Indonesia, with oil extracted using a simple mechanical expeller press, revealed that trees grown in Ujung Kulon National Park in Banten Province
A critical review of Pongamia pinnata multiple applications
More recently, interest in Pongamia focused on its potential as a biofuel source as its seeds contain around 40% oil. It is also able to tolerate a broad range of climatic and edaphic conditions so it can be cultivated in marginal land ( Kesari et al., 2013 ), thereby reducing competition for land with edible crops.
(PDF) Pongamia: A Possible Option for Degraded Land
Its seeds can generate up to 40% crude pongamia oil by weight. It is a nitrogen-fixing tree that can help restore degraded land and improve soil properties.
Fuel Properties of Pongamia ( Milletia pinnata ) Seeds
Pongamia oil was extracted from the seeds by conventional solvent extraction (CSE) and mechanical extraction (ME). CSE was conducted using milled pongamia seeds and hexanes as solvents. The milled sample (20?5 g) was mixed with 250 卤 5 mL of hexane (boiling point 65.5?8.3 C) in a 500 mL flat bottom boiling flask.
Solvent Extraction of Oil from Bani (Pongamia pinnata (L
the dry weight of bani seeds used for extraction. It was found that oil yields were 42.27% and 38.65% for small and big, air-dried seeds, respectively. Likewise, the effects of seed
Economic feasibility of biodiesel production from Pongamia
The yield of Pongamia seed production was determined by considering 49.5 seeds/tree at an average seed weight of 9?0 kg/tree . Moreover, Pongamia plantation was considered at 500 trees/ha . The yield of Pongamia oil extracted from the seeds using oil expelling machinery were determined by considering 31% (w/w) of oil per seed [14, 20].
Solvent extraction of oil from bani (Pongamia pinnata (L
Important physico-chemical properties of the solvent-extracted oil were determined, showing a specific gravity of 0.92764±0.0052 at 25 C, saponification number of 195.7 mg KOH/g
(PDF) Pongamia as a Potential Biofuel Crop: Oil Content
In this study the oil content of 48 individual trees, from Ujung Kulon National Park, were analyzed using a solvent extraction method. As a control, bulk seed was extracted using two...
The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 2021, 8(1):18-23
Karim AM et al The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 2021, 8(1):18-23 The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal 19 Extraction of oil Dry powdered Pongamia pinnata seeds (400g) were extracted with n
Encapsulation, release and insecticidal activity of Pongamia
Preparation of P. pinnata seed oil Seeds of P. pinnata were washed thoroughly to remove dust or other impurities, air-dried at room temperature and ground to a powder in an electrical grinder (Bajaj, Bravo DLX 500, India).